Alessandra Di Gennaro
Alessandra was born in Rome. To hone her creative abilities, Alessandra pursued an artistic education at Rome's first historic secondary school, earned a bachelor's degree in history and cultural heritage conservation from Roma Tre University, and simultaneously discovered the mosaic at Studio Cassio, a leading Roman reference point for mosaic restoration. She collaborated on sketches of contemporary artists, including Sandro Sanna for the Superintendence for Historical Heritage in Palazzo Venezia.
To complete her formation, Alessandra studied at the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli and won the Gian Domenico Facchina and Friulovest Banca prizes for the best essay on mosaic and participated in the specialization course reserved for the six best students, doing some mosaic commissioned to the school.
Romuald Mesdagh
Romuald was born in Belgium. He completed an artistic formation in painting, drawing, and photography in Belgium and Spain before obtaining a master's qualification in mosaic art at the Scuola mosaicisti del Friuli, a world-renowned mosaic school.
He participated in a specialization course reserved for the six best students, completed some commissioned mosaic work for the school, and participated in mosaic events in France, Switzerland, and Milan. He led the restoration campaign of mosaics decorating the Al-Aqsa mosque, on the direction of the United Nations.